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You have paid the fine direct to court but the bailiff is threatening you for his fees.


It is the practice of several bailiff companies to threaten to take control of goods just to recover their fees. It is illegal. Here why why you do not have to pay any bailiffs fees on your court fine.

Bailiffs must not seek to enforce the recovery of fees where an enforcement power has ceased to be exercisable. Paragraph 31 of the Taking Control of Goods: National Standards 2014


You have two routes or remedy.

Pay & reclaim. Pay the demand to clear it then recover the bailiffs fees in the small claims court.

Wait for the bailiff to turn up - even with the police in attendance, then deploy a copy of the notice below by handing it through the letterbox or a window and the attending constable will have no choice but to remove the person from your property or place him under arrest if he shows a forged distress warrant


To use this document you must:

Attach a copy of the a receipt, or other proof from HM Court service the court fine is paid. That proves the warrant is no longer effective because the sum due is now NIL.

Have recording equipment running, preferably without the bailiff or constable knowing until after recording has started.


Hand this document to the bailiff and a copy to police if they are present.